Our breeding and Puppy Placement Policies
In the interest of bettering the breed and to help other breeders improve the quality of their own dogs, there is a standing policy of full disclosure of all known traits and health concerns that have occurred in dogs owned or bred here at Wyntr. This includes any veterinary, scientific, photographic and other documentation available to accurately back up the information.
We feel that it is far better to be honest and avoided than to cause lasting harm to both the breed and personal reputation through secrecy and denial. Annotated symbol pedigrees (pedigrees which show not only ancestors, but also all known siblings) of the dogs in the Wyntr line are available on request.
Conformation is only the beginning element in making an outstanding Cardigan and the best is not only one that can win awards at shows, but is also a healthy dog that can still do the sort of work it's heritage once required, as well as make a great household companion.
Here at Wyntr, our dogs are all family companions as well as show dogs, selected to excell in both conformation and performance. Litters are only produced infrequently to continue the Wyntr line and referrals to other breeders are made at all other times.
Our ultimate goal is to always produce the best possible quality, not quantity of Cardigans. Cardigan Welsh Corgis are great dogs, but they are not a breed for everyone.
Due to the personal time invested, the interest in quality over quantity and strong desire to not add to dog overpopulation problems, no more than one litter at a time is ever produced at Wyntr. Often only at one or two year intervals at soonest. Bitches are not bred before at least their third heat cycle and/or before they are at least two years old. No more than three litters are ever bred from any one bitch and far more often a bitch will only be bred once. Any bitch requiring a C-section is retired from breeding and every effort is made to ensure a bitch will be able to free-whelp a litter. All bitches have their Hips, Elbows and Patellas OFA and/or PennHip evaluated, come from PRA clear lines, are CERF'd clear and are tested for anything else that might help ensure the best possible health, including but not limited to OFA thyroid, DM and spinal screening. Bitches must meet the breed standard and if possible, have proven themselves in conformation and/or performance shows. Overall quality in structure and performance potential as well as making the best match possible is the main concern and show wins or titles are only one small part of the equation.
Wyntr's stud dogs must pass all the same tests and requirements as bitches and are only offered at stud when they are at least two years old to approved bitches. A detailed symbol pedigree including information about known qualities and potentail issues can be provided on request as part of our open policy as breeders.
Breeding is a very serious endeaver, filled with risks and disappointments and is almost never profitable when all costs are considered, so every effort is made to help maintain the qualities that have sustained this wonderful breed before any litters are produced.
'Approved Bitches' Qualification:
We expect no less of others than we do of ourselves. All outside bitches should be at least age two, be OFA and/or PennHip evaluated for at least hips (other evaluations are strongly recommended). Additionally, the bitch should be thyroid evaluated as normal at least past age two, DM tested or at least have a known status based on parentage, PRA tested clear and/or line cleared of PRA and CERF'd clear past at least age two. PRA carriers and DM carrier/at risk individuals will be considered individually and owner(s) must be willing to test the entire litter and place puppies accordingly. DM carriers should be evaluated for quality and if placed in show/breeding homes, should be bred to DM clear partners if at all possible.
In the case of a natural breeding, all outside bitches must be proven clear of brucelosis and mycoplasma and should have all current vaccines including bordatella. It additionally helps if the bitch is cycling in her heats normally and has been progesterone evaluated during previous heats or at least her current heat to determine best days for breeding in her cycle. Direct AI, fresh chilled and frozen semen breedings can be arranged as required.
Pedigree information about known qualities and issues behind the bitch is not an absolute requisite, but would definitely be helpful toward ensuring the best match possible.
Puppy Placement:
All puppies produced by Wyntr, regardless of pet or show home, are only placed with the understanding that this is a long-term commitment for the lifetime of the dog. Show prospect or not, if there is any reason to believe a puppy will not be kept and loved as a family companion for it's entire natural life, then please seek another breeder.
Cardigans are not a breed for everyone, so potential owners should also read our Puppy Buyer's Guide before deciding to own a Cardigan or even any puppy.
All buyers of puppies from Wyntr must agree in contract that they are not involved in puppy brokering or puppy milling (this includes any practice involving dogs being bred or sold for profit) and will never re-sell or put a puppy or dog obtained from Wyntr in an animal shelter for any reason. This contract will be enforced legally.
Prospective owners should have a safely fenced yard, a regular veterinarian, be willing to attend basic obedience classes and have enough free time to properly raise a young dog as a household companion. All family members should be in agreement about adopting a puppy and be present when coming to see the litter before adopting to ensure the puppy will be compatible with the family. Families with small children (8 and under) should carefully consider the time they will have to adopt a new family member and be willing to monitor both puppy and children at all times to make sure both learn to interact correctly. It is essential that dogs and young children should never be left alone together.
Puppies at Wyntr are raised in a household environment with gentle handling and modern socialization methods from birth until they are placed with their new owners. They are temperament tested and evaluated for every aspect of health and conformation. All puppies are matched to prospective owners according to family lifestyle and individual puppy's personality. No puppy is placed before the age of at least eight weeks and are only placed in approved homes as indoor, household pets regardless of show or pet status.
All puppies come with AKC and UKC registration papers and pedigree, a health record, information about known health problems of the breed in general and the Wyntr line in particular and a puppy packet filled with useful information. All puppies have been checked and cleared of internal and external parasites, have received their first vaccines according to current veterinary guidelines, have been given a preliminary health exam and are AKC CAR - Companion Animal Recovery microchipped for permanent identification.
Advance deposits are required after a litter is whelped to hold a puppy for a future owner. In the event a suitable puppy is not available, the deposit will be refunded in full and efforts will be made to help recommend another breeder who may have a litter in progress or puppy available.
Showing vs Pet:
A dog show only lasts for a few hours during the day on any given weekend. The rest of the time a showdog should be a family companion, not a kennel dog. This is why Wyntr places such a priority on all of it's dogs and puppies being family companions, shows or no shows.
Puppies which are placed as pets only are sold on a Limited Registry with a spay/neuter contract. A limited registry means that the puppy is guaranteed to be purebred and can be shown in performance competitions (obedience, agility, herding, etc.), but cannot be used for breeding and cannot be shown in regular AKC conformation events, but may be shown in UKC 'Altered' conformaton classes.
Puppies sold with Full AKC & UKC Registration as showdogs/breeding prospects are usually placed in approved homes on a co-ownership with Wyntr and/or with a contract outlining breeding policies and CoE. This is mainly intended to prevent a dog from Wyntr ending up in a 'puppy mill' or other inhumane breeding situation. All contracts and ownership arrangements of this type are very reasonable and negotiable. Puppies sold as show prospects have been evaluated carefully and considered to have this potential, but cannot be guaranteed to remain show quality if placed before the age of 10 months due to the fact that some physical traits particular to cardigans often cannot be predicted before the dog reaches adolescence or adulthood. Puppies placed as show/breeding prospects will also come with a detailed symbol pedigree and careful outline of known qualities and potential issues.
A Champion title doesn't always mean the dog must be breeding quality, it just means the dog won enough points for a championship at the shows. Showing can be an enjoyable hobby without the need to breed. Many people enjoy taking their Cardigans to shows and competing in conformation and performance. Cardigans have proven themselves in every sort of dog sport including obedience, agility, rally, herding, tracking and flyball. Some cardigans have even done lure coursing, weight pulling and even participated in earth dog events and a new sport called Barn Hunt. Cardigans have been used as Assistance dogs for the hearing impaired or Alert dogs for individuals with epilepsy or severe diabetes. A few have worked as Search and Rescue dogs able to fit in the smaller places that larger dogs cannot search and many have become Therapy dogs and R.E.A.D. dogs helping children improve their reading and communication skills.
Return/Refund Policy:
Although every effort is made to match the best home to the best dog, it is always possible that life will create changes that require a dog be returned to it's breeder. All puppies placed by Wyntr may be returned for any reason at any time during their lives. They will be re-evaluated and re-homed according to their individual situation or may stay as permanent residents at Wyntr. Puppies returned past the age of 5 months will be taken back without refund unless the dog is found to have a serious, non-environmental medical problem documented by a licensed veterinarian or a serious non-environmental behavioral problem documented by an approved trainer/behaviorist. Partial refunds (minus deposit) will be given for puppies before the age of 5 months unless the puppy is found to have found medical or behavioral problems as listed for puppies returned after the age of 5 months in which case a full refund will be given.
So far, no puppies or dogs have ever been returned to Wyntr.
Visiting Wyntr cardigans:
Visitors Are Welcome. However, it is strongly recommened that visitors arrange a time in advance via call or email. The current home of the Wyntr gang often has a very busy schedule! Future puppy owners may arrange to see a litter anytime, but puppies usually only eat and sleep before the age of 4 weeks, so not much will be going on until then.
Wyntr's dogs and other cardigans can also be seen at local dogshows. A list of links to find show superintendants and many other resources such as rescue, clubs and chat groups can be found on our Cardigan Links pages.
Remember! Think before you purchase. A puppy is a canine companion for a lifetime!
Kathleen Carlson, Wyntr Cardigans
Other breeders are welcome to link to this page or use it's contents for developing their own breeding and puppy placement policies.
We feel that it is far better to be honest and avoided than to cause lasting harm to both the breed and personal reputation through secrecy and denial. Annotated symbol pedigrees (pedigrees which show not only ancestors, but also all known siblings) of the dogs in the Wyntr line are available on request.
Conformation is only the beginning element in making an outstanding Cardigan and the best is not only one that can win awards at shows, but is also a healthy dog that can still do the sort of work it's heritage once required, as well as make a great household companion.
Here at Wyntr, our dogs are all family companions as well as show dogs, selected to excell in both conformation and performance. Litters are only produced infrequently to continue the Wyntr line and referrals to other breeders are made at all other times.
Our ultimate goal is to always produce the best possible quality, not quantity of Cardigans. Cardigan Welsh Corgis are great dogs, but they are not a breed for everyone.
Due to the personal time invested, the interest in quality over quantity and strong desire to not add to dog overpopulation problems, no more than one litter at a time is ever produced at Wyntr. Often only at one or two year intervals at soonest. Bitches are not bred before at least their third heat cycle and/or before they are at least two years old. No more than three litters are ever bred from any one bitch and far more often a bitch will only be bred once. Any bitch requiring a C-section is retired from breeding and every effort is made to ensure a bitch will be able to free-whelp a litter. All bitches have their Hips, Elbows and Patellas OFA and/or PennHip evaluated, come from PRA clear lines, are CERF'd clear and are tested for anything else that might help ensure the best possible health, including but not limited to OFA thyroid, DM and spinal screening. Bitches must meet the breed standard and if possible, have proven themselves in conformation and/or performance shows. Overall quality in structure and performance potential as well as making the best match possible is the main concern and show wins or titles are only one small part of the equation.
Wyntr's stud dogs must pass all the same tests and requirements as bitches and are only offered at stud when they are at least two years old to approved bitches. A detailed symbol pedigree including information about known qualities and potentail issues can be provided on request as part of our open policy as breeders.
Breeding is a very serious endeaver, filled with risks and disappointments and is almost never profitable when all costs are considered, so every effort is made to help maintain the qualities that have sustained this wonderful breed before any litters are produced.
'Approved Bitches' Qualification:
We expect no less of others than we do of ourselves. All outside bitches should be at least age two, be OFA and/or PennHip evaluated for at least hips (other evaluations are strongly recommended). Additionally, the bitch should be thyroid evaluated as normal at least past age two, DM tested or at least have a known status based on parentage, PRA tested clear and/or line cleared of PRA and CERF'd clear past at least age two. PRA carriers and DM carrier/at risk individuals will be considered individually and owner(s) must be willing to test the entire litter and place puppies accordingly. DM carriers should be evaluated for quality and if placed in show/breeding homes, should be bred to DM clear partners if at all possible.
In the case of a natural breeding, all outside bitches must be proven clear of brucelosis and mycoplasma and should have all current vaccines including bordatella. It additionally helps if the bitch is cycling in her heats normally and has been progesterone evaluated during previous heats or at least her current heat to determine best days for breeding in her cycle. Direct AI, fresh chilled and frozen semen breedings can be arranged as required.
Pedigree information about known qualities and issues behind the bitch is not an absolute requisite, but would definitely be helpful toward ensuring the best match possible.
Puppy Placement:
All puppies produced by Wyntr, regardless of pet or show home, are only placed with the understanding that this is a long-term commitment for the lifetime of the dog. Show prospect or not, if there is any reason to believe a puppy will not be kept and loved as a family companion for it's entire natural life, then please seek another breeder.
Cardigans are not a breed for everyone, so potential owners should also read our Puppy Buyer's Guide before deciding to own a Cardigan or even any puppy.
All buyers of puppies from Wyntr must agree in contract that they are not involved in puppy brokering or puppy milling (this includes any practice involving dogs being bred or sold for profit) and will never re-sell or put a puppy or dog obtained from Wyntr in an animal shelter for any reason. This contract will be enforced legally.
Prospective owners should have a safely fenced yard, a regular veterinarian, be willing to attend basic obedience classes and have enough free time to properly raise a young dog as a household companion. All family members should be in agreement about adopting a puppy and be present when coming to see the litter before adopting to ensure the puppy will be compatible with the family. Families with small children (8 and under) should carefully consider the time they will have to adopt a new family member and be willing to monitor both puppy and children at all times to make sure both learn to interact correctly. It is essential that dogs and young children should never be left alone together.
Puppies at Wyntr are raised in a household environment with gentle handling and modern socialization methods from birth until they are placed with their new owners. They are temperament tested and evaluated for every aspect of health and conformation. All puppies are matched to prospective owners according to family lifestyle and individual puppy's personality. No puppy is placed before the age of at least eight weeks and are only placed in approved homes as indoor, household pets regardless of show or pet status.
All puppies come with AKC and UKC registration papers and pedigree, a health record, information about known health problems of the breed in general and the Wyntr line in particular and a puppy packet filled with useful information. All puppies have been checked and cleared of internal and external parasites, have received their first vaccines according to current veterinary guidelines, have been given a preliminary health exam and are AKC CAR - Companion Animal Recovery microchipped for permanent identification.
Advance deposits are required after a litter is whelped to hold a puppy for a future owner. In the event a suitable puppy is not available, the deposit will be refunded in full and efforts will be made to help recommend another breeder who may have a litter in progress or puppy available.
Showing vs Pet:
A dog show only lasts for a few hours during the day on any given weekend. The rest of the time a showdog should be a family companion, not a kennel dog. This is why Wyntr places such a priority on all of it's dogs and puppies being family companions, shows or no shows.
Puppies which are placed as pets only are sold on a Limited Registry with a spay/neuter contract. A limited registry means that the puppy is guaranteed to be purebred and can be shown in performance competitions (obedience, agility, herding, etc.), but cannot be used for breeding and cannot be shown in regular AKC conformation events, but may be shown in UKC 'Altered' conformaton classes.
Puppies sold with Full AKC & UKC Registration as showdogs/breeding prospects are usually placed in approved homes on a co-ownership with Wyntr and/or with a contract outlining breeding policies and CoE. This is mainly intended to prevent a dog from Wyntr ending up in a 'puppy mill' or other inhumane breeding situation. All contracts and ownership arrangements of this type are very reasonable and negotiable. Puppies sold as show prospects have been evaluated carefully and considered to have this potential, but cannot be guaranteed to remain show quality if placed before the age of 10 months due to the fact that some physical traits particular to cardigans often cannot be predicted before the dog reaches adolescence or adulthood. Puppies placed as show/breeding prospects will also come with a detailed symbol pedigree and careful outline of known qualities and potential issues.
A Champion title doesn't always mean the dog must be breeding quality, it just means the dog won enough points for a championship at the shows. Showing can be an enjoyable hobby without the need to breed. Many people enjoy taking their Cardigans to shows and competing in conformation and performance. Cardigans have proven themselves in every sort of dog sport including obedience, agility, rally, herding, tracking and flyball. Some cardigans have even done lure coursing, weight pulling and even participated in earth dog events and a new sport called Barn Hunt. Cardigans have been used as Assistance dogs for the hearing impaired or Alert dogs for individuals with epilepsy or severe diabetes. A few have worked as Search and Rescue dogs able to fit in the smaller places that larger dogs cannot search and many have become Therapy dogs and R.E.A.D. dogs helping children improve their reading and communication skills.
Return/Refund Policy:
Although every effort is made to match the best home to the best dog, it is always possible that life will create changes that require a dog be returned to it's breeder. All puppies placed by Wyntr may be returned for any reason at any time during their lives. They will be re-evaluated and re-homed according to their individual situation or may stay as permanent residents at Wyntr. Puppies returned past the age of 5 months will be taken back without refund unless the dog is found to have a serious, non-environmental medical problem documented by a licensed veterinarian or a serious non-environmental behavioral problem documented by an approved trainer/behaviorist. Partial refunds (minus deposit) will be given for puppies before the age of 5 months unless the puppy is found to have found medical or behavioral problems as listed for puppies returned after the age of 5 months in which case a full refund will be given.
So far, no puppies or dogs have ever been returned to Wyntr.
Visiting Wyntr cardigans:
Visitors Are Welcome. However, it is strongly recommened that visitors arrange a time in advance via call or email. The current home of the Wyntr gang often has a very busy schedule! Future puppy owners may arrange to see a litter anytime, but puppies usually only eat and sleep before the age of 4 weeks, so not much will be going on until then.
Wyntr's dogs and other cardigans can also be seen at local dogshows. A list of links to find show superintendants and many other resources such as rescue, clubs and chat groups can be found on our Cardigan Links pages.
Remember! Think before you purchase. A puppy is a canine companion for a lifetime!
Kathleen Carlson, Wyntr Cardigans
Other breeders are welcome to link to this page or use it's contents for developing their own breeding and puppy placement policies.